In [44]:
def wrapper(S, coins):
states = [(10000, set()) for k in range(S+1)]
states = [(10000, []) for k in range(S+1)]
return n_coins(S, coins, states)
def n_coins(S, coins, states):
if S < 1:
return (10000, [])
if S in coins:
return (1, [S])
if S < min(coins):
return (10000, [])
if states[S][0] < 10000:
return states[S]
for c in coins:
print S, states[S]
if c > S:
new_s = S - c
new_state = n_coins(new_s, coins, states)
new_state = (new_state[0]+1, new_state[1] + [c])
if new_state[0] < states[S][0]:
states[S] = new_state
return states[S]
def n_coins_iter(S, coins):
states = [(10000, []) for k in range(S+1)]
states[0] = (0, [])
for s in range(1,S+1):
for c in coins:
if c <= s and states[s-c][0] < states[s][0]:
states[s] = (states[s-c][0] + 1, states[s-c][1] + [c])
print states, states[S]
In [46]:
S = int(raw_input("S: "))
coins = set(int(k) for k in raw_input("Coins(comma seperated): ").split(','))
if min(coins) < 1:
raise Exception("Coins should be positive values >= 1")
print S, coins
print wrapper(S, coins)
print n_coins_iter(S, coins)
In [95]:
def wrapper(arr):
states = [1]*len(arr)
return longest_sub(arr, len(arr)-1, states)
def longest_sub(arr, i, states):
if i <= 0:
return 1
if states[i] > 1:
return states[i]
for j in range(i):
lj = longest_sub(arr, j, states)
if arr[j] <= arr[i]:
print j, i, states
states[i] = lj + 1
states[i] = lj
return states[i]
In [96]:
arr = [int(k) for k in raw_input("Array(comma seperated): ").split(',')]
print arr
print wrapper(arr)
In [97]:
def wrapper(mat, N, M):
states = [[0 for c in range(M)] for r in range(N)]
return apples(mat,0,0,N,M, states)
def apples(mat,i,j,N,M, states):
if i >= N or j >= M:
return 0
if states[i][j] > 0:
return states[i][j]
states[i][j] = mat[i][j] + max([apples(mat,i+1,j,N,M, states), apples(mat,i,j+1,N,M, states)])
return states[i][j]
In [99]:
arr = [int(k) for k in raw_input("Array(comma seperated): ").split(',')]
N, M = [int(k) for k in raw_input("N, M (comma seperated): ").split(',')]
mat = [arr[i*N:i*N+M] for i in range(N)]
print mat
wrapper(mat, N, M)
In [ ]: